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I absolutely love this for my sugar glider. He runs every night and his tiny toes have never gotten too long or sharp. I’m able to clean it and have had the same one for over a year. It has never bothered his feet. I’m just now ordering a replacement after a very long time.
have 2 sugar gliders that love the small wanted extras love. - Lewis H.
Its great my glider loves it keeps them busy and helps keeping there nails trimmed down. -Dawn S.
Great product and it shipped quickly! Easy to install once we realized that we had to remove the first track completely and replace that track with this one. Our hamster seems to love it and we will be interchanging this one and original track that the silent runner came with, regularly to make sure she gets a variety of running surfaces. -Karen G.
I do not recommend this product. I had it in my Syrian Hamster cage for one night and it completely destroyed his feet. It did barely anything to shorten the nails, but ended up putting huge red sores all over his feet. Don't buy this for a hamster with small sensitive feet. Falsely advertised. -Kate
[Response from Seller: We're sorry to hear about this issue Kate. If your pet's foot pads are not thick enough to endure the material, you should try it out for just a short bit of time (a few hours) and then check on the pet. You will need to remove the sandy track and replace it with the regular track when nails are filed or if you notice any discomfort.]