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The suggies love to forage with the cylinders. Very funny watching them.
Unfortunately my 5 sugar gliders don’t care much for these. I’ve put fish sticks inside which they all
Go BONKERS for, sometimes they’ll take them out. Other times they’ll leave it in. Mine are all very smart so I know they can actually figure it out. But idk if it’s too hard for them to grasp.
So I put meal worms in it and same thing. Which is another treat they love.
But just because mine didn’t have much interest doesn’t mean yours won’t. So maybe give it a try. It’s very sturdy. Mine are chewers so I don’t need to worry about them actually bitting or chewing on the plastic.
We appreciate your feedback and understand that every sugar glider is unique. Our product is designed to provide mental stimulation, and we're glad to hear it's sturdy. We'll continue to explore ways to enhance its appeal. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Keeps my bearded dragons entertained. -Ashley L.
My hedgehog goes insane in the membrane over this thing. I just wished at least one of the end caps screwed on or was removable for easy refill and cleaning. -Amber D.
Our two rats love it. We put seed in it usually, and they have fun trying to get them out. We like that one end opens, but it would be easier to clean if both ends removed. I would recommend it to others.