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Our rats are very curious and persistent chewers, so anything that goes in their house has to be fully ratproof or safe to put in their mouths and stomachs. This is ultimately the latter, though it does stand up decently to their teeth. There are several different methods the rats can use to get at the treats, and they require different forms of both physical and mental work. Even though most of the rats have the trick of it after a few weeks, they like to experiment with new methods, keeping this a fun and interesting puzzle for them. Huge fan. Definitely going to get a few more as replacements for when the first one eventually succumbs to rat teeth in an unfixable way.
My suggies love this too! I thought it would be too hard/heavy for them but my girls have no problem getting what they want. - Vanessa B.
My squirrel loves it. Only thing is, he broke one of the bamboo tubes in 5 seconds because it had an integrity issue. I tied it back together but it’s only the bamboos fault. -Hope S.
I wouldn't recommend this product for sugar gliders. The tops are too heavy for him to lift so its not a useful foraging toy at all. -Emily F.