Enrichment is providing stimulating and challenging environments, objects, and activities for animals. Providing an interactive enviroment is as critical to an animal's well-being as...
Dried mealworms are an incredible food source for many species of birds, reptiles and mammals. Easy to feed and store, they offer a high...
“The fate of animals the world over, whether wild or captive, is in our hands" -Dr Richard Patton. Exotic Nutrition has hired Dr Richard Patton,...
Here at Exotic Nutrition we create pet foods with the help of veterinarians, exotic professionals, and nutritional experts that has been tried and tested...
Browse our archive of articles:. Basic Degu Information. Breeding Degus. Degu Behavior. Degu Cage Suggestions. Feeding Degus. Introducing a New Diet. More About Pet...
Why no corn? In our opinion, corn is used as the primary ingredient in pet foods because it is an inexpensive source of calories....
Degus need more space than most other rodents, and they need to have either a wire, PVC or a glass cage because they can...
Degus are very social pet animals and need attention. . It is usually recommended to keep at least two Degus. It is possible to...
In the wild, Sugar Gliders are omnivores and eat a vast variety of foods including many types of insects and arachnids (e.g., spiders), and...
. The worst mistake you can make as a glider owner is OVER-CLEANING the cage. Sugar gliders are scent-driven animals, and they will scent-mark...
Symptoms of Overgrowth. If a chinchilla’s front teeth are overgrown, they may appear excessively long when the upper and lower lips are gently lifted,...
Chinchillas are native to the Andes Mountains in Chile. They were slowly becoming extinct because of the value of their fur. Originally 11 chinchillas...