Opossum Products

Opossum Products

Unique Products ... for Unique Animals

Product Type
Medium Live Mealworms (1/2")
$14.99 $12.99
Size: 500 Pack
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Fresh, healthy, fat feeder worms delivered direct to your door! Size: Medium (1/2")
If temperatures are above 85 degrees F we strongly recommend adding a cold pack and opting for a FedEx (1-2 day) shipping service. 
Live Mealworm Guarantee: Worms are insured if FedEx Priority Overnight shipping service is selected at checkout and the package is received...
Cold Pack 6 oz.
Cold Packs are used to help keep products, like live mealworms and yogurt drops, cool during transit. Add at least 1 cold pack in temps above 80 degrees, or 2 cold packs in temps above 90 degrees (multiply x2 for every 5,000 worms). Cold packs are not guaranteed to stay frozen...
Berries & Bugs Sugar Glider Food & Hedgehog Food
$18.49 $15.99
Size: 1.5 lb
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Berries & Bugs is a nutritious food for insectivores that contains gut loaded insect larva, grains and berries. This diet is formulated specifically for insectivorous mammals such as sugar gliders, hedgehogs, skunks, opossums as well as some bird species.
• 100% natural - no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
Dried Mealworms Bulk
$63.95 $57.99
Size: 11 lb
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• All-natural feed supplement for poultry & wild birds like chickens, bluebirds, ducks, turkeys, etc.
• No antibiotics, hormones, chemicals or antioxidants
• Provides enrichment and encourages natural foraging behavior
• Natural source of protein to provide energy to support birds in cold climates
• Packaged in individual 11 lb....
Kage Kleen
$9.49 $8.99
Exotic Nutrition's Kage Kleen is a hard working yet gentle cage or cage accessory cleaner; the safe way to clean your pets cage! Spray on then wipe off, no rinsing necessary! Regular cage cleanings are an important part of pet care to prevent illness and odors. This garden-fresh lavender scented...
Giant Live Mealworms (1")
$13.99 $10.49
Size: 100 Pack
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Fresh, healthy, fat feeder worms delivered direct to your door! Size: Giant (1+ inch long)
If temperatures are above 85 degrees F we strongly recommend adding a cold pack and opting for a FedEx (1-2 day) shipping service. 
Live Mealworm Guarantee: Worms are insured if FedEx Priority Overnight shipping service is selected at checkout and the package is...
Large Live Mealworms (3/4")
$15.99 $13.49
Size: 500 Pack
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Fresh, healthy, fat feeder worms delivered direct to your door! Size: Large (3/4")
If temperatures are above 85 degrees F we strongly recommend adding a cold pack and opting for a FedEx (1-2 day) shipping service. 
Live Mealworm Guarantee: Worms are insured if FedEx Priority Overnight shipping service is selected at checkout and the package is...
Elimina Odor Remover
$11.99 $10.99
Want to eliminate the odors from your pets? Try Elimina Odor Remover! When Elimina is sprayed on the surface of your pet's food, the smell from the pet's waste will be virtually undetectable to humans within three days. The active ingredient in Elimina, anthium dioxide, is an oxygenating agent, which...
Stainless Steel Feed Dish
$5.99 $5.49
Select a Select Size
• Available Color: Silver
• Rust-proof dish easily washes clean for daily use
• Stainless steel is sanitary, strong, & lasts forever
• Strong holder provides a perch for small animals while feeding
• Bolts directly onto wired cage with holder (hardware included)
5 oz: 3 1/8" in diameter x 1...
VitaGlow Supplement
$8.99 $8.49
Exotic Nutrition’s VitaGlow is an all-natural liquid feed supplement for all animals, that gives pets more than just a healthy, shiny coat from the inside out. VitaGlow contains naturally occurring vitamin E, B12, lecithin, biotin, and flaxseed oil, all in their rawest form to increase the absorption of vitamins and...
Premium Insectivore Diet Sugar Glider & Hedgehog Food
$16.99 $15.99
Size: 1.25 lb
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Exotic Nutrition's Premium Insectivore Diet is a high quality CHICKEN-BASED protein diet suitable for all kinds of insectivores. Includes animal-based protein (chicken) along with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids that provide balanced nutrition to a wide variety of insectivores.
• These are easy to feed sticks, 3/4 inch long x 1/8...
Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae
$4.99 $4.49
Size: 1.5 oz
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Exotic Nutrition's Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) combine beneficial animal protein with nutrient enrichment. The farm-raised black soldier fly larvae have become one of the most popular dried insect options due to their high calcium content in comparison to other insects. Ideal for Hedgehogs, Sugar Gliders, Reptiles, Fish, and other...
All-Natural Nesting Material
$4.49 $2.99
Size: 1.5 oz
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Provide your pet with a cozy, fun nesting option using All-Natural Nesting Material. The fluffy dye-free material will satisfy your pet's natural burrowing instincts and give them material to build a secure nesting spot.
• Made from 100% natural Virginia-grown cotton
• Encourages natural burrowing and nesting instincts
• Made...
LIVE MEALWORMS ARE NOT GUARANTEED DURING INCLEMENT WEATHER. View our full Live Mealworm Guarantee below. • We do not recommend adding more than one heat pack per shipment
• Help live mealworms stay warm in transit, increasing the chance for live arrival
• Designed for reliable and steady heat release...
Mealworm Keeper Live Mealworm Food & Bedding
$5.49 $4.49
Size: 1 lb
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Exotic Nutrition's Mealworm Keeper is a bedding and food source for mealworms and other live insects. Providing your insects with a high-quality food source will ensure they are getting the nutrition necessary to stay alive and healthy. To gut load, mix a high-protein food source like Exotic Nutrition's Mealworm Chow...
Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae
$20.95 $18.99
Size: 5 lb Bag
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• All-natural feed supplement for poultry & wild birds like chickens, bluebirds, ducks, turkeys, etc.
• 100% GMO free- no antibiotics, hormones, chemicals or antioxidants
• Provides enrichment and encourages natural foraging behavior
• Natural source of protein to provide energy and calcium to to support egg development in laying...