Feeding your adult sugar glider a proper diet is essential for maintaining its health and well-being. Since sugar gliders have unique dietary requirements, providing a balanced and varied diet is crucial to preventing nutritional deficiencies, especially metabolic bone disease caused by improper calcium-to-phosphorus ratios.
The Basics of a Balanced Diet
In the wild, sugar gliders consume eucalyptus gum, sap, nectar, insects, bird eggs, and even small vertebrates. Since replicating this exact diet in captivity is challenging, a well-rounded diet should include a combination of high-quality pellets, fresh produce, protein sources, and supplements.
Recommended Sugar Glider Diet
For an easy and nutritious feeding plan, consider these Exotic Nutrition products:

Glider Complete Sugar Glider Food – A nutritionally complete diet that combines protein, vitamins, and dried fruits for a balanced meal. This all-in-one food simplifies feeding by eliminating the need for additional supplementation.
Sugar Glider Treat Variety Pack – A great way to introduce variety into your glider’s diet with an assortment of tasty, nutritious treats.
Instant-HPW – A powdered formula that mimics the natural nectar-based diet of sugar gliders, rich in protein and essential nutrients.
Gliderade Nectar Supplement – High in carbohydrates, vitamins, and bee pollen, this supplement closely resembles the natural nectar sugar gliders consume in the wild.
Berries & Bugs Diet – A fun and nutritious option that provides natural sources of protein and vitamins.
Feeding Guidelines
Daily Staple: Offer Glider Complete Sugar Glider Food as a primary diet, available at all times.
Fresh Produce: Supplement with fresh fruits and vegetables daily, maintaining a ratio of 40% fruits and vegetables to 60% protein-based foods.
Additional Supplements:
Offer Gliderade nectar supplement regularly.
Provide Acacia gum as an occasional natural treat.
Sprinkle Glider-Cal (calcium supplement) and Glider-Booster (multivitamin) over fresh produce three times per week if needed.
Hydration: Always provide fresh water in a clean dish or water bottle.
Portion Control
Start with about 3-4 tablespoons of food per night per glider. Adjust portions as needed, ensuring they consume enough without excessive leftovers.
Final Thoughts
A varied diet ensures that your sugar glider receives all the necessary nutrients for a long, healthy life. With Exotic Nutrition’s specially formulated foods and supplements, feeding your sugar glider is easier than ever. Explore our full range of sugar glider products to create a nutritious and hassle-free diet for your pet!
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Notice: Exotic Nutrition cannot provide specific care guidelines on an individual basis. Please consult a veterinarian or experienced breeder.
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