Housebreaking Skunks

Housebreaking Skunks: A Guide to Litter Training

Skunks can be housebroken with patience and the right approach. Most skunks prefer to use a specific corner, making corner training an effective method. Once they choose a corner, place a litter pan with unscented litter in that spot. If they miss the pan, clean the area thoroughly and saturate it with plain white vinegar to remove odors and prevent them from returning to that spot.   

Steps for Successful Skunk Training

  • Gradual Relocation – After the skunk's bathroom spot is established, the litter pan can be moved about four inches daily to a different location. Some skunks will follow the pan, but if they refuse, it may be best to leave it in that corner and use furniture or decor to conceal it.

  • Litter Box Adjustments – Covered cat litter boxes may require a larger opening for skunk accessibility. Ensure regular cleaning, as skunks will avoid a dirty bathroom. 

  • Alternative Training Methods – Some skunks may not take to litter training, as reported by skunk experts like Deborah Cipriani from Skunk Haven. Patience and consistency are key in training success.

Safety Considerations

Letting skunks outside unsupervised is risky. Unlike cats and dogs, skunks lack a homing instinct and can easily get lost. Descented skunks also lack their primary defense against predators, and their nearsightedness makes them vulnerable to road hazards. Keep them indoors for their safety.

Helpful Products for Skunk Care

  • Elimina Odor Remover – Helps neutralize odors, keeping your skunk’s space fresh and clean.

  • Vita-Skunk Supplement – Provides essential nutrients to support your skunk’s overall health and well-being.  

With proper training and care, skunks can make wonderful indoor companions. Browse Exotic Nutrition’s full selection of skunk care products here.


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Notice: Exotic Nutrition cannot provide specific care guidelines on an individual basis. Please consult a veterinarian or experienced breeder.

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