Hedgehog Cage Requirements: Everything You Need for a Safe and Comfortable Home
Hedgehogs are adorable, low-maintenance pets, but they do require specific care to ensure their safety and well-being, especially when it comes to their cage environment. A proper hedgehog cage should be spacious, secure, and equipped with all the essentials to keep your little friend happy and healthy. In this post, we’ll cover the most important considerations for setting up a hedgehog cage, from the type of cage to bedding options, exercise wheels, and more. We’ll also recommend some top products from Exotic Nutrition that can help make your hedgehog's home as safe and enjoyable as possible.
1. Choosing the Right Cage for Your Hedgehog
A well-sized and safe cage is essential for your hedgehog’s well-being. Here are some cage options to consider:
Wire Floors Are a No-Go: Avoid cages with wire floors, as these can cause serious injuries. Hedgehogs can slip or get their limbs caught in the gaps, leading to painful accidents. Instead, choose a cage with a solid floor to keep your hedgehog safe.
Multi-Level Cages: Multi-level cages offer more space for exploration without taking up extra floor space. However, because hedgehogs have poor eyesight and may not understand heights, it’s crucial to ensure all ramps and levels are either close to the floor with bedding, or completely enclosed to prevent falls. Hedgehogs often struggle with descending.
Recommended Cage: We highly recommend the Hedgehog Home & Starter Pack from Exotic Nutrition. This cage is designed specifically for hedgehogs, providing ample floor space and safety features. It’s available with a Starter Pack, which includes everything you need to get started with your new hedgehog.
Glass Aquariums and DIY Cages: Some owners opt for large glass aquariums, but they can be heavy, difficult to clean, and lack ventilation. Another popular DIY option is the C&C cage (Cubes and Coroplast). This type of cage can be customized to any size and is easy to clean, making it a great choice for those who want to create a personalized home for their hedgehog.
2. Bedding: What’s Best for Your Hedgehog’s Comfort?
The right bedding is crucial for your hedgehog’s comfort, health, and safety. Here are some bedding options to consider:
Polar Fleece: Polar fleece is a popular bedding material because it’s soft, non-fraying, and easy to clean. It also doesn’t shed fibers, which reduces the risk of your hedgehog getting caught in stray threads. Be sure to trim any loose threads, as they can cause injury.
Paper Bedding: CareFresh Complete Bedding is another popular bedding choice. It’s absorbent, easy to clean, and gentle on your hedgehog’s skin. Just be sure to check the bedding for any clumping, as it can cause issues.
Aspen Shavings: Aspen bedding is safe for hedgehogs because it contains no harmful oils. Avoid cedar or pine shavings, as these can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation.
When choosing bedding, always avoid any materials that contain dust or that might clump together, as these can be dangerous for hedgehogs.
3. Exercise: Providing Enough Physical Activity
Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals and need plenty of physical activity to stay healthy. Exercise wheels are a must-have for your hedgehog’s cage.
Choosing the Right Exercise Wheel: It’s important to choose a wheel that is safe and comfortable for your hedgehog. Hedgehogs need a wheel with a solid surface—wires or crossbars can cause serious injuries, including broken legs or facial trauma.
Recommended Wheels:
- Silent Runner 12 in (Wide): This is a highly recommended, quiet, and safe wheel with a smooth, solid surface that’s perfect for hedgehogs.
- Treadmill Wheel: Another great option, this wheel is designed to be comfortable for your hedgehog while minimizing noise.
Some hedgehogs might not be fans of running on a wheel. In this case, it’s important to provide alternative forms of exercise, such as interactive toys or a safe space for your hedgehog to explore.
4. Toys and Enrichment
While a wheel provides great physical exercise, hedgehogs also need mental stimulation to stay happy. Hedgehogs are curious and love exploring their surroundings, so providing toys and safe spaces for them to explore is essential.
- Hedgehog Ball: The Hedgehog Ball from Exotic Nutrition is an excellent toy for hedgehogs. It allows them to roam safely outside of their cage while getting some exercise. This toy is especially useful for hedgehogs that need a bit of encouragement to stay active and explore.
- Tunnel: A safe, expandable tunnel that fulfills your pet's instinctive burrowing behaviors and promotes healthy exercise, making it ideal for small mammals. Exotic Nutrition offers an Xpand Tunnel (4" diameter opening) or a Jumbo Fun Tunnel (8" diameter opening).
Make sure to supervise your hedgehog while using toys to ensure they are safe and not in danger of getting stuck or injured.

5. Temperature and Environment: Keep Your Hedgehog Warm
Hedgehogs are sensitive to temperature changes and need to live in a warm environment. The ideal temperature for a hedgehog cage is above 70°F (21°C). If the cage gets too cold, your hedgehog may attempt to hibernate, which can be dangerous. Consider using a Heating Set (Lamp + Heat Emitter 75W) or Pet Warming Pad to keep the temperature in a safe range, especially during colder months.
Create the Perfect Hedgehog Home
Your hedgehog’s cage should be a safe and stimulating environment where they can feel secure and comfortable. By choosing the right cage, bedding, exercise wheel, and enrichment items, you can create a space where your hedgehog will thrive. Be sure to monitor your hedgehog’s health and safety regularly to ensure their cage is always a safe haven.
If you're looking for high-quality products to set up the perfect home for your hedgehog, be sure to check out Exotic Nutrition's range of hedgehog products designed to meet the specific needs of hedgehogs and provide them with the comfort and safety they deserve.
By taking the time to set up an optimal living environment, you’ll help ensure that your hedgehog leads a healthy, happy life.
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Notice: Exotic Nutrition cannot provide specific care guidelines on an individual basis. Please consult a veterinarian or experienced breeder.
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